Biopro Chemicals Co,Ltd.

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  • CAS No:434-22-0 Nandrolone
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Product Name: Nandrolone
    CAS: 434-22-0
    Assay: NLT 98.0%
    Solubility: soluble in acetone, ethanol, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, insoluble in water.
    EINECS No.: 207-101-0
    M.F.: C18H26O2
    M.W: 274.4
    Appearance: White or Almost White Crystalline Powder
    Loss On Drying: NMT 0.5%
    Specific Rotation: +50° ~+60°
    Melting Point: 115°C ~ 125°C
    Ignition Residue: NMT 0.10%
    Details: Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid which are a group of drugs that are usually synthesized from the male reproduction hormone testosterone, and it can helps to rebuild body tissue, increase body and bone mass and encourage the formation of red blood cells.