Wuhan Carphetin Chemical Co,.LTD

Wuhan Carphetin Chemical Co,.LTD

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  • Company Name: Wuhan Carphetin Chemical Co,.LTD
  • Country/region: China
  • Contact Person: Mr.Mark Wang
  • Tel: 86-27-81331412
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Exemestane Breast Cance

  • CAS No:107868-30-4 (8R,9S,10R,13S,14S)-10,13-dimethyl-6-methylidene-7,8,9,11,12,14,15,<br />16-octahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthrene-3,17-dione
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Exemestane Steroid Powder for Breast Cancer CAS 107868-30-4

    CAS No:107868-30-4
    MF: C20H24O2
    Assay: 98%
    Appearance: White or almost White Crystalline Powder.
    Usage:Developed to help fight breast cancer, Aromasin is one of the most powerful estrogen suppressing compounds available for body builders taking anabolic steroids. Additionally, it also raises testosterone in the body, which is a bonus for bodybuilders during post-cycle-therapy.

    T:00862781331412 C:008618027562183
    Skype:mark (at)carphetin dot com
    Email:mark (at)carphetin dot com
  • Exemestane Breast Cance
  • Exemestane Breast Cance