Hubei Yuancheng Hezhong Technology Co.,Ltd

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Deltasleep-inducing peptide (rabbit)

  • CAS No:62568-57-4 Deltasleep-inducing peptide (rabbit)
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Product Name:Delta sleep-inducing peptide,DSIP
    DSIP CAS NO:62568-57-4
    DSIP Molecular Formula:C35H48N10O15
    DSIP Molecular Weight:848.81
    DSIP Purity:99%
    DSIP Specification:2mg/vial
    DSIP Grade:pharmaceutical grade
    DSIP Function
    Many roles for DSIP have been suggested following research carried out using peptide analogues with a greater molecular stability and through measuring DSIP-like immunological (DSIP-LI) response by injecting DSIP antiserum and antibodies