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Varenicline Tartrate

  • CAS No:375815-87-5 Varenicline tartrate
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    Varenicline tartrate with CAS 375815-87-5 is a prescription medication used to treat smoking addiction.

    Varenicline (CAS 375815-87-5) is a nicotinic recepotr partial agonist. It stimulates nicotine receptors more weakly than nicotine itself does. In this respect it is similar to cytisine and different from the nicotinic antagonist, bupropion, and nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine patches and nicotine gum. As a partial agonist, Varenicline (CAS 375815-87-5) both reduces cravings for and decreases the

    pleasurable effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Through these mechanisms it can assist some patients to quit smoking.