Hubei Yuancheng Baofeng Technology Co.

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High Purity Raw Weight Loss Steroids Methenolone Enanthate

  • Product NameHigh Purity Raw Weight Loss Steroids Methenolone Enanthate
    CAS No.303-42-4
    Min QuantityKilograms
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  • CAS No:303-42-4 Methenolone enanthate
    Molecular Structure

    Detailed Description

    High Purity Raw Weight Loss Steroids Methenolone Enanthate

    Quick Detail

    Product name Methenolone Enanthate Factory Supplying
    Other name Primobolan Depot
    CAS register number 303-42-4
    EINECS 206-141-6
    Molecular formula C27H42O3
    Molecular weight 414.62
    Melting point 66-70°C
    Specific optical rotation +38°-+42°
    Assay 99%

    Product description

    Primobolan is toxic to the liver, especially the oral versions, although the toxicity is gradual and slight. Acne and hair loss can occur with long-term use.

    Primobolan is a good base compound in a stack and can produce results just slightly below that of nandrolone and is best used in a cutting stack. Because Primobolan doesn’t aromatize, there is no use for Clomid or Nolvadex.

    Primobolan Depot is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone. It is the same compound as the one in Primobolan Orals (methenolone acetate), both produced by Schering. In this injectable version, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which makes for a slow and gradual release from the site of injection. Its length of activity would thus be quite similar to Testosterone enanthate, with blood levels remaining elevated for approximately two weeks. Methenolone itself is a long acting anabolic, with extremely low androgenic properties.

    Side effects in general are usually not much of a problem with Primobolan Depot. There is a chance one will notice a few residual androgenic effects such as oily skin, acne, increased facial/body hair growth or an aggravation of male pattern baldness condition.

    This steroid is still very mild however, and such problems are typically dose related. Women will in fact find this preparation mild enough to use in most cases, observing it to be a very comfortable and effective anabolic. If both the oral and injectable were available for purchase, the faster acting oral should probably be given preference however.
  • High Purity  Raw Weight Loss Steroids Methenolone Enanthate
  • High Purity Raw Weight Loss Steroids Methenolone Enanthate