現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 M> mercury(1+)


製品名称: mercury(1+)
CAS登録番号: 10415-75-5
EINECS: 233-886-4  
シノニム: Nitrate mercureux [French]; Mercury protonitrate; Mercury(I) nitrate; MERCUROUS NITRATE;nitrate;Mercury(1+) nitrate; Monomercury nitrate;mercury(1+);
分子式: HgNO3
分子: 262.5949
密度:  g/cm3
沸点:  83°Cat760mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  °C
安全文:  Poison by ingestion and intraperitoneal routes. Moderately toxic by skin contact. A powerful oxidizer. Explodes on contact with red-hot carbon. Mixtures with phosphorus are impact-sensitive explosives. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of Hg and NOx. See also MERCURY COMPOUNDS, INORGANIC; MERCURY COMPOUNDS, ORGANIC.
ハザードシンボル:  May be explosive if shocked or heated. Highly toxic. TLV: TWA 0.1 mg(Hg)/m 3 .
