現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 A> AvermectinB1, 4''-deoxy-4''-(methylamino)-, (4''R)-, benzoate (1:1)

AvermectinB1, 4''-deoxy-4''-(methylamino)-, (4''R)-, benzoate (1:1)

製品名称: AvermectinB1, 4''-deoxy-4''-(methylamino)-, (4''R)-, benzoate (1:1)
CAS登録番号: 155569-91-8
シノニム: Proclaim 5SG; Shot-Wan; Methylamino abamectin benzoate;AvermectinB1, 4''-deoxy-4''-(methylamino)-, (4''R)-, benzoate (1:1); MK244; ShotWan Liquid Formulation; Slice; Proclaim; Emamectin benzoate (salt); Affirm;AvermectinB1, 4''-deoxy-4''-(methylamino)-, (4''R)-, benzoate (salt) (9CI); Denim (pesticide); Sch 58854; Emamectin benzoate;Denim;
分子式: C49H77NO13
分子: 888.13
密度:  g/cm3
沸点:  °Cat760mmHg
融点:  141-146°C
リスクコード:  25-36-50-57-58
安全文:  Experimental reproductive effects. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic vapors of NOx.
ハザードシンボル:  T: Toxic;N: Dangerous for the environment;
