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thiolane 1-oxide

製品名称: thiolane 1-oxide
CAS登録番号: 1600-44-8
EINECS: 216-493-2  
シノニム: thiolane 1-oxide; Thiophane 1-oxide;Thiolane 1-oxide; Thiophane oxide; Tetrahydrothiophene oxide; tetrahydrothiophene 1-oxide; 1600-44-8; Thiophane monoxide;
分子式: C4H8OS
分子: 104.17072
密度:  1.15
沸点:  235-237℃
フラッシュポイント:  116.5°C
屈折率:  n20/D 1.52(lit.)
リスクコード:  S24/25:Avoidcontactwithskinandeyes.;
安全文:  Moderately toxic by intraperitoneal route. Combustible when exposed to heat, sparks, or flame. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of SOx.
