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potassium amide

製品名称: potassium amide
CAS登録番号: 17242-52-3
EINECS: 241-275-9  
シノニム: Aminopotassium;potassium amide;
分子式: H2KN
密度:  g/cm3
沸点:  °Cat760mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  °C
安全文:  Violent or explosive reaction with water or potassium nitrite + heat. Reacts to form explosive products with tetraphenyl lead; ammonia + copper(II) nitrate. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of NOx, NH3, and K2O. See also POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE and AMMONIA which are hydrolysis products of KNH2.
