現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 B> Berberine


製品名称: Berberine
CAS登録番号: 2086-83-1
EINECS: 218-229-1  
シノニム: EINECS 218-229-1; 2086-83-1; Berberal; Thalsine; Majarine;Berberin; CHEBI:16118;Berberine; Umbellatine;
分子式: C20H18NO4+
分子: 336.36122
密度:  g/cm3
沸点:  °Cat760mmHg
融点:  204-206 °C (dec.)
フラッシュポイント:  °C
リスクコード:  S24/25,
安全文:  An alkaloid poison by ingestion and subcutaneous routes. In humans, toxic doses lower the body temperature, increase peristalsis, and cause death by central paralysis. Mutation data reported. Should carry a poison label. Should never be ingested without the advice of a physician. Should not be handled excessively since it may be absorbed through the skin and have a toxic effect upon the body. An antimalarial agent. When heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of NOx.
