現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 2> 2-(3-chloro-4-prop-2-enoxyphenyl)acetic acid

2-(3-chloro-4-prop-2-enoxyphenyl)acetic acid

製品名称: 2-(3-chloro-4-prop-2-enoxyphenyl)acetic acid
CAS登録番号: 22131-79-9
EINECS: 244-795-4  
シノニム: Mervan; Medifenac; Neosten; Reufenac; Neoston; Zumaril; Allopydin; Prinalgin;2-(3-chloro-4-prop-2-enoxyphenyl)acetic acid; Alclofenaco;
分子式: C11H11ClO3
分子: 226.65624
密度:  1.252g/cm3
沸点:  368.3°Cat760mmHg
フラッシュポイント:  176.6°C
屈折率:  1.553
安全文:  Moderately toxic by ingestion and intraperitoneal routes. An experimental teratogen. Other experimental reproductive effects. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Cl−. See also ALLYL COMPOUNDS. An analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory agent.
