現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 4> 4-ethenylbenzenesulfonic acid

4-ethenylbenzenesulfonic acid

製品名称: 4-ethenylbenzenesulfonic acid
CAS登録番号: 25704-18-1
EINECS: 220-266-3  
シノニム: Polystyrene sulfonate; 4-Styrenesulfonic acid; 98-70-4; AC1Q6WLC; 4-ethenyl-; Benzenesulfonic acid; Tolevamer [INN];4-ethenylbenzenesulfonic acid; ST50825215; AC1L2PRS;
分子式: C8H8O3S
分子: 184.21232
密度:  0.801
沸点:  100 °C
融点:  460 ºC (DEC.)
屈折率:  20/D 1.395
リスクコード:  S24/25
安全文:  Mildly toxic by ingestion. Experimental reproductive effects. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of SOx and Na2O. See also SULFONATES.
