現在の位置: ホーム > 辞書 B> benzo[a]anthracene


製品名称: benzo[a]anthracene
CAS登録番号: 56-55-3
EINECS: 200-280-6  
シノニム: BENZ(A)ANTHRACENE; Benzanthracene; Naphthanthracene; Benzanthrene;Benz[a]anthracene;benzo[a]anthracene; Tetraphene; 1,2-Benzanthracene; Benzo[a]anthracene; 56-55-3;
分子式: C18H12
分子: 228.28788
密度:  1.19g/cm3
沸点:  437.6
融点:  159.8
フラッシュポイント:  209.1°C
屈折率:  1.771
リスクコード:  45-50/53-67-65-38-11-63-43-36/37/38-23/24/25-39/23/24/25
安全文:  Confirmed carcinogen with experimental carcinogenic, neoplastigenic, and tumorigenic data by skin contact and other routes. Poison by intravenous route. Human mutation data reported. It is found in oils, waxes, smoke, food, drugs. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.

Analytical Methods:


For occupational chemical analysis use NIOSH: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (HPLC), 5506; (GC), 5515.

ハザードシンボル:  T,N,Xn,F
