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SCOPOLAMINE compounded with METHYL NITRATE (1:1)

製品名称: SCOPOLAMINE compounded with METHYL NITRATE (1:1)
CAS登録番号: 6106-46-3
EINECS: 228-065-2  
シノニム: SCOPOLAMINE METHYL NITRATE;HYOSCINE METHYL NITRATE;1alphah,5alphah-tropanium,6beta,7beta-epoxy-3alpha-hydroxy-8-methyl-,nitrate,;4)non-7-ylester,(7(s)-(1alpha,2beta,4beta,5alpha,7beta))-.0comp;SCOPOLAMINE compounded with METHYL NITRATE (1:1) ;,9-dimethyl-,[7(s)-(1alpha,2beta,4beta,5alpha,7beta)]-,nitrate(salt);(-)SCOPOLAMINE METHYL NITRATE;5-alpha-h-tropanium,6-beta,7-beta-epoxy-3-alpha-hydroxy-8-methyl-1-alpha-n;METHSCOPOLAMINE NITRATE;
分子式: C18H24N2O7
分子: 380.39
密度:  1.31 g/cm3
沸点:  460.3 ºC at 760 mmHg
融点:  199 °C
フラッシュポイント:  232.2 ºC
屈折率:  -25 ° (C=1, H2O)
リスクコード:  23/24/25
安全文:  Poison by intraperitoneal route. Moderately toxic by ingestion. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx. See also SCOPOLAMINE and METHYL NITRATE.
ハザードシンボル:  T: Toxic;
